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Your Creative Gifts Are Your True Abundance


Have you ever listened to a great musician and been inspired to start playing an instrument or stood behind an artist as they painted something beautiful and noticed you were feeling a bit more artsy? Likewise, have you gone to an event where someone was passionate about selling something and you thought you needed whatever it was, then later wondered, “what on earth was I thinking”?

We inspire others through our love, joy and passion for what we are doing. It’s a high frequency ignition energy that uplifts others to feel inspired as well. People who are living in their truth and authenticity and doing what they are passionate about pave a pathway for others that not only says it’s possible but it is what we absolutely came here to do. As a medical intuitive, I would argue that our bodies are 100% designed for this purpose and if denied the body will assuredly move out of balance.

Some of the great illusions of this world are the need to work hard, money equals happiness and the need to climb the corporate ladder for security. There is nothing or no one outside of you that can offer you true security, only false security. We’ve certainly seen many examples of this. True security is found when you are comfortable or secure with who you really are and feel safe expressing it out into the world. You then become the Tasmanian devil of whirling energy, joy and service that will constantly attract and create whatever you need in life. This is true abundance, realizing your creative gifts and sharing them. No one can ever take this away from you.

This joy and empowerment energy resides in the 3rd chakra or area of digestion. It is literally the abundance bowl of your body. This is also where the pancreas sits to remind you of how you are or aren’t deriving sweetness out of your work in the world. So many have digestive issues and diabetes largely because of the illusionary chase for money, security, power and following someone else’s dream as opposed to honoring and expressing the creative gifts and true abundance within.

Imagine a world where everyone feels safe to express their true self outside the norm and standards of society, where children are groomed, applauded and encouraged to express their unique talents and gifts throughout their life and where schools are created to support this process. This would be one step toward birthing global happiness as opposed to chasing the illusionary dream.



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