Frequently Asked Questions
What is a medical intuitive? Western medicine says that stress is the root cause of most disease. A medical intuitive determines what those stressors or unaligned belief systems are that are causing the dis-ease. Unresolved emotions (trauma, judgement, grief, anger) held in the body congest, block flow and create dis-ease.
How do you read my energy? As a medical intuitive, I am energy sensitive and can scan and feel your energy from a distance. I can feel where your energy is flowing and where it is congested. Certain emotions correlate to certain chakras and are connected to specific organs in the body. When the congested energy is released the body returns to flow and vitality.
What is quantum healing? Quantum healing is where there is no time or space. I use Quantum Egyptian Healing Rods to create a healing chamber of energy that exists in the quantum field. Healing happens very quickly here.
What are chakras? Chakras are traditionally wheels of energy that extend from the front and back of the body. There are 7 major chakras beginning at the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, vision and crown. They correlate to specific colors, emotions, organs and bodily systems. As you lift in consciousness, the chakras shift from moving in a circular fashion to an infinity.
How is an Avesa Chakra Balance different from Reiki or healing touch? An Avesa Chakra Balance happens in the quantum field. It reconnects you with your soul's energy and is soul guided. The chakras are balanced into the ascended state, the infinity, as opposed to the traditional circular fashion. It is a massive upliftment and reconnection. I use Quantum Egyptian Healing rods and my clients also hold a set that enhances their energy.
Why did I feel SO AMAZING then emotional a few days later? When high frequency light hits lower frequency light (or congestions) the energy (emotions) are dissolved. The AMAZING feeling is the HUGE blast of your true soul's energy. A day or so later as the emotions are dissolved you often feel them as they are leaving your energy field. Drinking lots of lemon water assists the process.