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Packages offer the greatest healing capacity & savings!
(Some modalities may be exchanged for something that better suits your needs.)

New Beginnings
8 Sessions ~ $1623 ($200 savings)
1. In depth medical intuitive scan & consultation followed by an Avesa chakra balance
2. Medical Intuitive session followed by an Avesa chakra balance
3. Atlantean Healing Chamber Day 1
4. Atlantean Healing Chamber Day 2
5. Cosmic Life Regression
6. Medical Intuitive session followed by an Avesa chakra balance
7. Self Ascension Anointing
8. Ascended Numerology Reading (Diamond Foundation)

Blissful Being
11 Sessions ~ $2,333 ($275 savings)
1. In depth medical intuitive scan & consultation followed by an Avesa chakra balance
2. Medical Intuitive session followed by an Avesa chakra balance
3. Atlantean Healing Chamber Day 1
4. Atlantean Healing Chamber Day 2
5. Medical Intuitive session followed by an Avesa chakra balance
6. Cosmic Life Regression
7. Self Ascension Anointing
8. Soul Chart Reading
9. Atlantean Healing Chamber Day 1
10. Atlantean Healing Chamber Day 2
11. Medical Intuitive session followed by an Avesa chakra balance

Benefits of Avesa Quantum Healing
Accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities
Aids better sleep
Reduces blood pressure
Helps with injuries and chronic conditions such as asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.
Helps relieve pain
Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony
Reduces side effects of drugs and aids the body to recover from drug therapy
Supports the immune system
Increases vitality
Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
Relaxes the mind
Aids in detoxing
Aligns you with your soul essence
Great clarity
​Heightens sensitivity
Increases harmony & balance​
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