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We Set Ourselves Up For Success


What if you knew you chose your parents, your birth date, birth location and influenced the choice of your birth name because it would set you up for everything you needed to fulfill your soul’s mission in this life experience? As an Avesa Quantum Healer that has worked with clients for 15 years, I know that most of the traumas and emotional issues causing peoples’ physical symptoms come from unresolved emotions involving their parents or guardians. If these issues aren’t resolved by partnership time, then a partner will arrive to reflect what has yet to be healed.

Usually a parent/guardian was abusive, angry, unloving or nurturing, controlling, absent, addicted, didn’t have time or was too nice and had no boundaries. In most cases there was an inner child that had to grow up quickly due to survival or responsibility and didn’t get to be that warmly loved, free child that got to play and express. The ego piggybacks onto the hurt inner child and develops from those healed or unhealed experiences. If the parent/guardian was too nice and without boundaries often an entitled ego develops.

We actually chose these challenging experiences because we wanted the gifts for our mission. We literally set ourselves up for success. We came in armed with the perfect growth location, social norms, belief systems, timeline and name frequency but success can’t be fully realized until the unhealed emotional content is resolved. As children we had visions of what we wanted our lives to look like. (Remember Leave It To Beaver?) In many cases it didn’t turn out the way we wanted but instead the way that was needed.

One way to get in touch with these feelings is to write a Dear Mom or Dad letter. “Dear Mom, one thing I always wanted to hear from you was ………..” keep writing until you are exhausted of what you wanted and didn’t get. Then fill in the (you) words with (me) and reread your letter. You will discover that you came here to learn how to give yourself these things and that your parents were just reflecting back to you. When you are complete, journal all of the gifts and talents you now have as a result of your challenges.

Often these emotions are so deeply repressed we are unaware they are there. The body is the ultimate truth detector. Inflammation for example is unresolved anger. An immune disease is the body attacking itself. How often do we judge ourselves harshly and forget to have mercy on ourselves? Self forgiveness may be the greatest gift we can offer ourselves and others. Everyone is playing their role perfectly to offer healing and clarity.



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