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We Are Being Called To Hold More Light


We are being called to UPLEVEL!!  During our coviding experience, a fear dimension birthed.  Fear didn’t exist as its own dimension previously.  It has gained momentum and continues to grow as more engage in the NEWS. Those that run the news media don’t want us to remember our power.  Because they have limited power, due to closed hearts and the intent to manipulate, they need the masses to contribute their energy.  They get this by putting out fearful news.  Those that engage donate to the cause.

We live on a planet of polarity with ideally balanced black and white. This is what keeps the earth spinning on its axis. If the dark side were to get too much power we could implode, yet again. The fear is feeding the dark and is triggering molecular fear of previous implosions.

This is a clarion call to all of those that are awake. Until more remember their truth to assist the imbalance, the rest of us need to uplevel more to hold a higher frequency to make up for the difference. The stronger the dark gets the more light that needs to be held by the awakened.

Holding more light means many things. Physically, it means a more refined diet to allow higher frequency energies to anchor, (ideally plant based, as meat and cow dairy contain death and fear energy).  It means HUGE doses of self love and compassion. Self compassion is the key to anchoring in the 5th dimension. We all visit the 5th occasionally when we are in joy. You will know if you have touched it because this is where the synchronicities and magic happens. When the 5th is anchored you will automatically assist 250,000 others who would have never awoken to lift just by your presence. Releasing ALL judgment, starting with the self, is the key to the 7th dimension. Anchoring here assists a million or more to lift just by your presence. This is how we can rapidly shift the masses of the world; by saying “YES” to your soul, focused awareness, doing the inner forgiveness work, relaxing the ego governance and trusting your guidance.

2024 is going to be a year of HUGE energy, with literally a cyclone of energy lifting people up and a mirroring cyclone sucking people down.  For those focused, aware, in joy and outside of drama, a rapid ascension awaits!  For those who still can’t see they are creators and are addicted to drama, the downward pull will be hard to resist. Register for this IMPORTANT channeled online class coming in December that will energetically assist you to thrive in 2024 and stay in the upward spiral.



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