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Nothing But Blessings


As I have been walking through my personal fire of transformation, one thing I know for sure is we have been given nothing but blessings. Those you are closest to and have caused you the most pain have given you the greatest opportunity for growth and freedom. It’s hard to see while you are in the experience and sometimes even for years afterwards. With enough determination to do the healing work and take full responsibility for the fact that you are the creator of everything in your life, consciously or subconsciously, you will harvest the gifts. This means there is never blame.

There are many ways to harvest these gifts. One way is through forgiveness work. Another is through E.F.T (which is something I do with clients) and another is to journal about the benefits you received from the challenge. There is always some benefit even if it's just strength. I had to leave my 11 year old son and move to Boise from MN due to my ex husband harassing me. I asked my son when he was 17 if there was anything good that came from the experience he went through and he said he was fearless. There is nothing he couldn’t now walk through. Maybe this is what he needed to be strong at his age in an uncertain world.

Last week I gathered all of the old photos of my ex husband and I from high school, wedding, etc. and burned them in the fireplace. I didn’t do it out of spite or anger. I did it because I knew the energy of our relationship needed to be transmuted. I put on some lovely music and tossed them in. The most surprising thing happened. I was shown our contract with each other. We were best friends in other dimensions. I saw us running as kids together in grassy fields. He told me he would incarnate with me and challenge me to the core to assist me to get where I am right now so that I could be of highest service to humanity at this time. My heart instantly shattered and there wasn’t one inkling of anger or regret in my body. I was filled with nothing but gratitude and hours of tears. That night in my dream state, I spent the entire evening on a flying horse. I knew that I was FREE. I proceeded to do this with other relationships and circumstances and saw the higher reason, the lessons and purpose for all of them. I can share with absolute knowing that we have been given nothing but blessings. We just need to be willing to REALLY see.



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