Welcome to the first mercury retrograde of this new 50,000 year cycle. Typically retrogrades are about redoing, relooking, releasing and reeking havoc on electronic communications. This retrograde comes with a twist. It’s about revelations and unification. The universe is nudging us evermore to remember the TRUTH of who we are. A green comet flew across the sky offering that first glimpse and energy of revelation in January. Did you take the opportunity to collect your mosaic pieces so you can begin putting the puzzle of your life together? This retrograde is amplifying the revelation energy. Be aware. Notice what is showing up. Nothing is an accident and all is revealing. We are being fully supported by the universe.
Knowing that ALL is revealing, it’s the perfect time to start collecting the clues of you. Keep a journal or sticky notes about what is coming your way. Notice why certain things appear repeatedly. Your life experience is your clue; the FB posts that appear before you, ads you come across, people that message you, emails in your inbox and experiences you repeatedly have. Your dream space is the perfect time to receive insight. Keep a journal next to your bed. Everything is speaking. We are gently being nudged awake to remember, resolve, accept and unify. The new moons, full moons, solar flares and eclipses have all had an up level energy infused into them to assist the release of what no longer serves our highest truth. I have found patterns can be shifted much easier than in the past. It just takes awareness and a verbal command of “I’m done with this!!” to shift your paradigm into a new direction.
The ego will act out during this time by distracting you, throwing temper tantrums and doing anything it can to stop you from seeing and knowing the truth of who you really are because then it loses control AND that’s its job. If you notice yourself becoming easily distracted, anxiety or the mind racing, place a hand on your heart and connect with your inner child. Place that little child in the back seat of the car with all of its necessary toys and goodies to keep him/her occupied and let that child know that you have got this and it’s his/her time to relax. An unmanaged and unloved inner child is one that won’t allow you to make decisions for your highest truth and success and the ego is so sly that you won’t even know you were self sabotaged.
This fabulous moment and opportunity we are in now is like nothing that has ever been. Love, awareness and self acceptance will see you through.
