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March Equinox, Humanities Tipping Point


Opportunity to change everything! Are you ready to say "YES" to you?

What if at your very core you knew you have done this all before? What if you knew without doubt you have lived lifetimes in Su’Laria and Atlantis and they didn’t end well? What if this is part of a cellular fear you are now feeling, along with a feeling that you are running out of time and you need to save, rescue or wake up others?

Maybe you are feeling this because we are at that time again. Humanity is at a moment where it has expanded further than it has ever expanded before and polarity has reached an all time high. We can’t keep moving and creating in the direction we have been going without consciousness shifting or we WILL recreate that not so good ending again.

Einstein said it best “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” This means enough people need to leave the 3rd dimensional drama, pain, chaos and spiritual activism and lift into the 5th or 7th dimensional zone of compassion and release of ALL judgement in order to shift consciousness on a global scale. For every person that anchors in the 5th, they hold open a portal for 100,000 others to do the same. For every person that anchors in the 7th, they hold open a portal to assist 1 million. Imagine how quickly we could turn EVERYTHING around if ALL of your focus was on loving yourself, forgiving yourself and others, wrapping compassion around all of humanity, releasing judgment and empowering your joy and dreams? This is how you lift in consciousness and this is how you assist in the healing of humanity. What if EVERYTHING that has happened in your life now and all the worldly chaos was to wake you up to this very moment so you could remember who you are and why you came here?

This March Equinox is a massive tipping point and opportunity to shift everything into a world of your greatest and highest vision but it’s going to take as many people as possible to really say “YES” to themselves and take action. Please join me and my fellow soul family and indigenous Canari as we gather together in the Andes Mountains at the site of an ancient temple to bring to humanity an energetic opportunity to lift in consciousness. It will be 3 days of sacred ceremony that will be live-streamed, presenters, workshops and divine messages from the indigenous. Visit for more information and to sign up to attend virtually for as little as $22. March 19-21, 2021.



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