Look Up! This is where the magic is. This is where the magic has always been. Look Up! The illusion would seek to keep you looking down and this is when you need to look up. Remember who you are. Remember why you are here.
Remember the seed of love you carry in your heart when everything around you would seek to have you forget. Look into the stars and remember where you came from. Look into the eyes of the children around you and remember your innocence. Look deep into your pet and remember it’s your presence that’s the gift.
Take a walk with the trees, breathe with them and connect with the consciousness that exists in everything. Remember you are not this body. You are just borrowing it to house your soul so you could temporarily forget and remember again.
Everything in the outer world is an expression of group consciousness and creation. It doesn’t need to be your reality unless you want it to be. Your focus is your key and what you lend your energy to is what you are creating more of. YES! You are that powerful! So, what do you want to create? What do you want to see more of in this world?
Look up! Gather with friends that remember this truth. Share your visions. Create together. Inspire each other and hold the highest vision for every single person you meet that you know to be true and hold this vision until it manifests into form.
It’s not easy to see what’s not there. It’s a spiritual practice and it takes constant attention. Let it be your new habit. The great creators, artists and musicians do this all the time and so can you. Let the world be your canvas upon which you throw your highest vision.
This is how we will change the world. The power of positivity, a happy thought, a kind gesture, an inspired vision, all ripple out into the sea of consciousness and effect change after change after change. To hold this space may mean letting go of people, habits and attitudes that don’t support your vision and energy of upliftment.
It’s a new world, a new moment with new possibilities. Look up and witness the magic of new creation, one that you know deep in your heart was always possible.
