Obstacles are inevitable on the path of awakening. Every time you say “YES” to a greater
experience, the subconscious fears, doubts, etc. that have previously stopped you will emerge.
Your soul doesn’t care what you have to go through to learn a lesson. It’s seeking the wisdom
from the experience.
Years ago as I was joyfully singing and driving downtown Boise heading onto the freeway,
someone rear ended my car. The damage was significant. As we pulled over, I held the energy
of “This is all happening for a reason and all is well.” Nothing was going to pull me from my joy.
The woman that hit me was in a huge state of panic. I walked back to her car and helped calm
her down and assisted her in finding her insurance card. I phoned the police and my insurance
company. As the police officer approached I was busily looking for my vehicle registration and
helping to calm and reassure the lady that hit me. I managed to do this without going into panic
or leaving my joy-filled state.
My car looked fixable but the insurance company totaled it. There was a car I had been
dreaming of for some time but couldn’t afford. I ended up receiving more money than expected
for my totaled car and the difference for the newer car was only $6,000. I received a message
from my father saying he would pay the difference. I ended up with my dream car. I know this
would not have happened had I engaged in fear, poverty or victim consciousness. It was a
result of absolute trust and the energy that met the experience.
Last spring I was involved with an organization that I adored but strongly questioned an aspect
and decided I needed to express this. I knew I was risking my membership by doing this but
I also knew that regardless of the outcome I could see my way through it. I sent an email to the
organization and promptly got removed from it and other associative aspects. I felt myself
falling into a pattern of regret, self doubt, self-flagellation, never wanting to speak up again and
not trusting my guidance. With surprise, I witnessed this lifelong pattern and smiled, said
“DELETE” and moved forward with gratitude. I ended up getting invited back into the group with
It’s not about what happens to you, it’s how you move through it. An obstacle is an opportunity
in disguise. You are the creator of your life experiences. You are not a victim. Witness the
obstacle with the knowing that you’ve got this and something good will become of it and trust in
your divine nature.
