I recently lost my friend, spiritual teacher, medical intuitive teacher and so much more. The community of people he transformed through wisdom & love is far reaching and his transition has deeply affected many.
While many of us were in grief and pain over his physical passing, he returned to share that his pain will continue as long as our pain continues. We trap him to this plane of existence by holding onto him through our pain. Just as a loved one often finds difficulty transitioning because family members can’t let go.
He was my teacher for 15 years and I know he is guiding my work in a more intimate way than he was able to previously. What I know, as a medical intuitive, is that ALL unresolved emotional energies bind you to the person you are experiencing them around. We create cords of energy to others when we need them, when we give our power away because we don’t trust ourselves, when we are co-dependent and when we have unresolved emotions involving them.
I know this to be true because when I went through an extremely challenging 7-year divorce involving harassment, affairs, manipulation, 5 attorneys, $200,000 and the leaving of my children because I had to move to another state, I had A LOT to forgive. As I tapped (EFT) and did the forgiveness practice, the person I was forgiving would almost immediately message me, either accidentally or intentionally, as soon as they unconsciously experienced the release of the cord that was keeping us bound. This happened repeatedly and without fail, so that I became very aware of the energetics. There is an energetic exchange that happens through these invisible cords and as they are released they free both parties.
This is why forgiveness is imperative to experience freedom. Even the most heinous acts need to be forgiven or the resentment and anger will physically hurt you. Forgiveness is something you do to free yourself and to create better health and vitality. These unresolved emotions cause disease, physical pain, inflammation, cancer and take years of potential vitality and joy from your life. This doesn’t mean the act is acceptable or without energetic repercussions. It just means that you care enough about your emotional and physical health to let go. The letting go moment is actually when the karmic balance of the event is magically restored. I remember trying to force balance through the legal system, which didn’t work. I am the creator of my experience. My outer experience can’t reflect balance until I’ve restored balance on the inside.
Please click under Healing Tools on my website for The Forgiveness Practice. It’s a gift from me and my newly Ascended Master Teacher, Sri Ram Kaa.
