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Global Healing: Doom or Dissolution of the Story?


Consciousness is lifting and collectively we are healing if you choose

Undeniably, we are collectively in the midst of global healing. Does this mean we are moving backwards as a society and headed for doom or are our stories up for resolution so we may springboard forward?

Do you recall the month of September and what that was like for you? It was an incredibly unique month in which we were given the gift of living 12 days as 1. This is why everything seemed to move so fast. I hardly had time to take care of personal necessities like eating and exercising. Time was compressed thus giving us the opportunity to clearly see what was stopping us and what was left for healing and resolution.

During September, a massive amount of energy was forced to the surface in all of humanity. This brought about much anxiety in many. By the end of September we literally moved through the mastery of an entire year. Meaning we experienced all of the healing and wisdom we would have gained through the entire year of 2021. It's time to CELEBRATE!

Then came October, which was energetically 6 days as 1. This offered a little more spaciousness. I personally had time to place my hand on my heart, breathe and address the unresolved energies along with self care. Yet we were still processing 1/2 year in 30 days. Still a lot of energy was forced to the surface (anxiety, fear, anger) and processed or not in a very short amount of time. In energetic terms we have now mastered our way through March 2022. If you are wondering what kind of whirlwind you just went through, this is why. Reflect back to September/October, doesn’t it seem like forever ago? Energetically, it was 1 ½ years ago.

In November we returned to 1 day equaling 1 day, living outside of the time compression and sitting with ALL of the energy that got forced to the surface (1 ½ years in 2 months). Notice how you feel because this massive rise of energy has egos flaring. The ego, which is connected to the unhealed inner child and the “stories” of our lives doesn’t want to feel the pain, sadness, anger and judgments. These are the energies that got tucked away the first time around because they hurt too much to really feel and resolve. So, have mercy on yourself and others as there is much happening on many levels.

The good news is that all of our stories are up for healing if we take the time to love ourselves more, forgive ourselves more and see the gifts in everything before we welcome in 2021. We are truly at a GREAT time of potential upliftment!



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