The feminine energy is being called to arise ever more to offer balance to the imbalance. We just witnessed a direct reflection of this imbalance in the recent overturn of Roe vs. Wade, in what feels like an attack on the feminine.
One of the superpowers of the female body is the ability to not only visualize, dream, hold those dreams and nurture them but to ultimately decide whether to give birth to them. Men’s bodies can do this as well on an energetic level but not like a female. Women were given organs of creation for this as a symbol of the birthing power contained within. Babies are a physical manifestation of this gift but it doesn’t stop there. The potential is endless and unlimited.
For a millennium the masculine energy has consumed and dominated every aspect of life. It matters not what sex you are, everyone has a masculine and feminine side. The masculine energy takes action, has boundaries, is often brainy, controlling and coarse in its unbalanced state. The feminine energy is heart centered, loving, intuitive, nurturing and can easily be taken advantage of and used as a doormat in its unbalanced state.
The marriage of the two offers heart centered, intuitive action that is guided by wisdom and love for the self and others with clear boundaries that allow for only the highest love for self. This energy has been manipulated to look like selfishness or bitchiness so “suck it up and be nice to everyone around you in favor of doing what is kind for yourself.”
This masculine energy is self preserving and trying to make its last stand by literally attempting to seize the choice of the power of creation from the female, like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum.
The resolution doesn’t lie in anger, separation or activism. This will only hurt us more, sending our planet into a greater downward spiral of imbalance. Remember, “nothing can be resolved from the same level of consciousness that created it,” Einstein.
Call your feminine energy into balance. Love yourself MORE and I mean fierce like a mother cub protecting her children but you are doing this for you. Remember your power of creation and know that it can never be taken from you. Use that power to visualize a world in harmony and nurture that vision with your love. Take action from a place that sees no higher, lower or judgment but knows the divine is in all things and above all stick together. Separation kills. When we use our feminine/masculine superpowers and come together in love, compassion and passionate action, there isn’t anything we can’t co-create.
