Each one of us is made from pure love and light yet the main human condition is the inability to accept and feel deserving of that much love
Life IS a giant mirror constantly reflecting what you are focused on, your unconscious beliefs, intensions and unresolved emotional issues. Once discovered you can change your focus, get clear on your intentions and heal the unconscious limitations.
The biggest challenge is to keep healing the unconscious as this requires not only looking into the outer mirror and realizing this is a matrix of your own co-creation and the power to change your experience lies in your ability to look deeply into your personal mirror. Not many are willing to do the work and it’s not a one time thing. The more of the outer you want to claim the more of the inner you need to keep claiming. Inner freedom, living your grandest dream and uniting with a beloved all require looking and loving your way there.
The main energies that stop people from evolving are doubt, fear and judgement. At the core is fearing your own self judgement. Until you can gaze into your eyes and completely love and accept what you see without judgement you will never be able to receive your greatest love or dream, as YOU are your greatest love. It’s much easier to seek outer love from someone else yet they will always reflect back your own ability to love yourself.
Your level of distraction or ability to hold presence is in direct correlation to your ability to be present, look and love yourself. It’s much easier to distract and focus attention elsewhere than to look and love inwards. We are currently living in a world of mass distraction where everyone is running away from themselves.
I recently spent time at a junior high school doing some inner work with students. We went into a meditation where they visualized themselves at their highest potential with all of their greatest gifts intact and then created an avatar of themselves. This was difficult for many. When I asked what their greatest challenge was, many stated, “to look at myself”.
Isn’t it ironic that each one of us is made from pure love and light yet the main human condition is the inability to accept and feel deserving of that much love? Many saints were killed because they self realized that level of love within themselves and thus became a mirror that many couldn’t look into. Please don’t let this stop you as we have evolved from this type of experience.
I have found that I can miraculously shift almost any outer experience by gazing into the mirror and repeating these 3 lines "I love you unconditionally", "You are safe with me", "I accept you just the way you are" for a minimum of 15 minutes or by spending time in gratitude for myself and my life.
