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AI, Help or Hinder?

AI, it’s everywhere and unavoidable.  It’s at the top of every program, creative tool and social media outlet staring at you saying “Are you ready to give up your power?”  We can all see the many benefits of having a free helper to write our copy, supply us with pictures and on and on.  Yet, we are giving up our creative energy, power and joy to this tempting tech.  Everything we lend our energy to we expand.  If we engage in the news we expand drama in the world.  If we lend our energy to loving ourselves we expand self love.  If we give our energy to our cell phones and AI we are empowering technology.  We could potentially turn into a tech world devoid of love, inspiration, joy, emotion and soul.  If you look out into the world, you can easily see us potentially heading in this direction.  

A couple of years ago I went on vacation and accidentally left my cellphone on the back of my couch as I was awaiting Uber to pick me up.  I didn’t notice my missing cell phone until I arrived at the airport and it was too late.  My airline tickets were on my phone, along with the telephone number for my daughter who was to pick me up.  I didn’t have telephone numbers memorized like I did prior to cell phones.  I arrived at the Minneapolis airport thinking I would borrow a computer and send her an email through gmail but I had 2 step authentication set up and this required my telephone.  I couldn’t even access my bank account.  This was the most helpless feeling and I decided at that moment that I will NEVER give my valuable energy over to technology.  Can you imagine what would happen to us all if the internet collectively went down? Would you even be able to drive from point A to point B without google maps?  

I know there is a place and a balance for everything.  Balance is KEY.  There was a time on a previous planet called Mars that most of us lived called Su Laria.  At the end of this experience, technology was king and our egos got bigger than we collectively intended.  This led to the end of that experience.  I know most of you have cellular memory of this.  Many people are terrified today of using tech because of the deep seated fear of what happened then.  Balance is something we hadn’t mastered.  Let's master it this time around.

The solar plexus is our power, creative and joy center of the body.  When we express our innate creative gifts out into the world we feel empowered and it brings us true joy.  When we stop expressing our creative gifts we lose joy and trust in ourselves, our digestion suffers and diabetes is a potentiality as the core energy is all about finding sweetness in our work in the world.

Lets not forget that AI generated work is devoid of energy.  Something that you create from love, joy or passion carries that energy and will attract people because of the deeper energy contained within.  Here is a sample of an AI generated vision board and one that was created in joy.  See if you can feel the difference.

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