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Consciousness, The Paintbrush Of Creation


Updated: May 25, 2020

You are a creator. Consciousness is the paintbrush fueled by your intention. What will you paint?

We are creators. I will be bold enough to say, “We are THE creator in refracted form until self realized”. If you believe in Oneness then how can we not be? Earth/Gaia is the canvas and you are both the painter and the paint brush. Intention guides the paint brush. When you have an intention that is made from sincerity, love and presence all the molecules of creation line up to fulfill your creation. The only thing that can stop this is doubt, belief systems and the ego.

Divine energy flows from the cosmos directly into the crown chakra where it first meets the mind/ego. If you are close minded, stuck in dogma or have belief systems that counteract your intention than you have cut yourself off from realizing your creative potential.

Everything is energy, molecules vibrating at a given frequency. The higher the frequency the less solid. David Hawkins has broken down consciousness into measurements of frequency with guilt = 30, anger = 150, acceptance = 350, love = 500, peace = 600 and enlightenment = 1,000. Emotions also have color, anger = red, love = green/purple, peace = aqua blue and enlightenment = crystalline/white. These colors are what make up your aura and the paint on your paint brush. As you move through life your paint brush can be filled at any given time with an array of colors. The paint is your energy field and your point of creation. If you are holding onto pain, doubt, fear, unworthiness, sadness or anger you are painting with browns, greys and blacks. If you are in trust, love, peace or joy you are painting with brighter, lighter colors.

Everything affects the quality and color of your paint (your painting); belief systems, unhealed wounds, who you spend time with, thoughts, focus, food and your environment. If you do forgiveness work, open your heart, stay in joy and have pure intentions, you will be delighted with your painting.

Power is the strength of your creation capacity. It is created through the balance of love and trust. When you are empowered through love and trust of your divine nature rather than your ego you will be amazed by the everyday miracles and synchronicities you will encounter. This is the love that has healthy boundaries, the love for yourself that says “no” to people, situations, habits and patterns that don’t serve you but says “yes” to you. This is the love that puts yourself first before everyone else. I know this is contrary to how most people were raised but it’s one of the most important keys to self-realization and self empowerment. It’s the difference between being a mentor and a rescuer.

We are in a 2 year ascension window that began 5 years ago. Everyone has the opportunity to awaken, remember who they are, what their purpose is, and allow their soul to guide them. All the doors are open and there are traps along the way; the news media, conspiracy theories, activism (even if it feels justified), fascination with phenomenon and 5G. They’re all stages to pass through on your way up the consciousness ladder and an opportunity to wave and say “thank you” for the wisdom acquired and then keep going.

The world we live in is a grand manifestation of everyone’s co-creative painting on one canvas. What would you like your world and your life to look like?



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